PAL Pool Lift Spine Board Attachment - 500-1000

PAL Pool Lift Spine Board Attachment - 500-1000


The Spine Board Attachment works with any standard spine board (not included). Simply remove the chair assembly by pulling the attachment pin and replace that assembly with the Spine Board Attachment. One person can easily extract an injured person from a pool, keeping the injured person fully supine during the procedure.

Part Number(s): 500-1000

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Lift Operator Cover SR Smith Pool Lifts - 910-1000T


Pool Lift Seat Saver Cover - 970-5000T

PAL-Splash-Pool-Lift-Actuator-100-5000A.jpg Actuator-SR-Smith-Pool-Lift-100-5000A.jpg

SR Smith Pool Lift Actuator - 100-5000A


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